Screen Queensland

Online Production Grants

This is a preview of the Online Production Grants Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Thank you for your application with Screen Queensland. Industry standard document formats must be used throughout your application (e.g. your budget, finance plan and supporting documents).

Please ensure you have read the guidelines on the Screen Queensland website thoroughly, prior to applying.

Projects that meet eligibility requirements are not guaranteed funding and will undergo a rigorous assessment process against Screen Queensland's strategic priorities and program guidelines.

All requests for funding, regardless of eligibility, are subject to limited program budgets within a highly competitive funding environment.

If you have any questions about any part of the form or your application, please contact the Screen Queensland Content Team on (07) 3248 0500 or email

Are you eligible to apply?

General Eligibility
To be eligible, you (and your team) must:  

Program Specific Eligibility
To be eligible, you (and your team) must:  

  • be a key creative team (Writer, Director and/or Producer) consisting of minimum 50% Queensland Residents; or a Queensland-resident solo creative practitioner.
  • demonstrate that you are the IP creator and owner of the story.
    • If IP is owned by an interstate Producer/Creative, the application will be considered eligible only with demonstrable significant benefits to Queensland via escalation of Queensland resident above-the-line talent.
  • tell an original story developed for online spaces.
  • demonstrate one member of the Key Creative Team has experience producing online content.
  • not propose a short film (excluding single episode XR projects), reality, light/lifestyle entertainment including panel and variety shows, primarily educational or internal training content, nor digital or online extensions to an existing film or TV program.
  • not submit an application for a project that has been declined funding by Screen Queensland previously, except where it can be demonstrated the application has been significantly reworked prior to submitting.
    • Projects that have been declined twice are not eligible. 
  • only submit one application per round.
Please confirm this project * Required
Response required.Response required.
*XR (Extended reality) is a term referring to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables. It includes augmented reality (AR), augmented virtuality (AV) and virtual reality (VR).
Please confirm the applicant eligibility * Required
Response required.
If you are unsure, please contact Screen Queensland 07 3248 0500 /
Are you happy for your project/s, proposal and/or team to be considered for other suitable Screen Queensland opportunities beyond this application? * Required