Screen Queensland

Screen Finance - June Round 2025

This is a preview of the Finance Application 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Please note, Screen Finance program guidelines have been updated as at 1 July 2024. Please ensure you have read the guidelines on the Screen Queensland website thoroughly, prior to applying.

With a focus on supporting Queensland producers and key creatives, our Screen Finance Fund is for screen stories seeking production finance, offered as a percentage of the production’s estimated spend in Queensland.

Please note that applicants are not guaranteed to receive the full funding ask requested and funding is awarded at Screen Queensland’s sole discretion.

Thank you for your application with Screen Queensland. Industry standard document formats must be used throughout your application (e.g. your budget, finance plan and supporting documents).

If you have any questions about any part of the form or your application, please contact the Screen Queensland Content Team on (07) 3248 0500 or email

Are you happy for your project/s, proposal and/or team to be considered for other suitable Screen Queensland opportunities beyond this application? * Required

Are you eligible to apply?

  • I am the rights-holding producer.
  • I live and work in Queensland (and have been a resident of the state for at least six months immediately preceding the application; proof of residency may be required), OR I am an Australian resident working with the minimum number of Queensland residents in a key creative role (writer, director, producer) who live and work in Queensland as outlined in the guidelines.
  • I am not employed by a state or government screen agency.
  • I am not employed by a broadcaster or streaming service.
  • I do not have any projects in default with Screen Queensland.
  • I and my team are not in default with Screen Queensland.
  • The project has not yet begun pre-production or principal photography.
  • I have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • This project has not been unsuccessful in seeking Screen Finance funding on two (2) previous occasions.
  • I and my team authentically represent the story and characters in the project that form part of this Application.
  • I have read and agree to the SQ Terms of TradeSQ QPE DefinitionSQ Strategic Plan 2023-2025Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network CharterScreen Australia Pathways and Protocols.
Eligibility * Required
Response required.
If you are unsure, please contact Screen Queensland 07 3248 0500 /
Are you a Queensland or Interstate Producer? * Required
Response required.

Projects that meet eligibility requirements are not guaranteed funding and will undergo a rigorous assessment process against Screen Queensland's strategic priorities and program guidelines.

All requests for funding, regardless of eligibility, are subject to limited program budgets within a highly competitive funding environment.

A brief summary of the guidelines is as follows, subject to assessment:

Grants up to $250,000, Equity Investment over $250,000.

Eligible for 12% of QPE (base) with additional funding available up to cap of 15% for Queensland elements (see full guidelines).

Eligible for 10% of QPE (base) with engagement of one Queensland-resident Above-the-Line creative in the role of Writer, Director or Producer AND a Queensland-resident Line Producer, with additional funding available up to cap of 12% for Queensland elements (see full guidelines).

Must be a dollar amount. 
Must be a dollar amount. 
Must be a dollar amount. 
This number/amount is calculated. 

Please list your Queensland-resident above-the-line creatives: 

Note revised guidelines here

Full NameRole
 * Required
 * Required

Must be at least 1 rows

Additional Funding

As a Queensland-resident producer, please note that funding is awarded at 12% of Queensland Production Expenditure (QPE) as a base level, with additional funding available up to a cap of 15% QPE for benefits to Queensland such as those listed below. 

As an Interstate producer, please note that funding is awarded at 10% of Queensland Production Expenditure (QPE) as a base level, with additional funding available up to a cap of 12% QPE for benefits to Queensland such as those listed below.

  • Story significantly and appropriately represents First Nations content, diversity, or story of unique cultural value to Queensland/Queenslanders
  • Story showcases Queensland as Queensland on screen in a way that celebrates our unique culture and identity.
  • Queensland-resident writer(s)
  • Queensland-resident director(s)
  • Significant credited, career-advancement opportunity for early-career Queensland-resident producer(s)
Please indicate all options that are relevant to your project and application (if applicable).
Indicate N/A if this is not applicable to your project.