Screen Queensland

Development Funding 2024-25 - Interstate Producers

This is a preview of the Development Application 2024-25 - Interstate Producers form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Please note, Development Fund program guidelines have been updated as at 1 July 2024. Please ensure you have read the guidelines on the Screen Queensland website thoroughly, prior to applying.

Screen Queensland’s Development Fund is designed to support screen practitioners based in Queensland and interstate producers working with Queensland-based key creatives, who develop screen projects ranging from early concept stage to advanced development. The fund prioritises projects led by Queensland-based practitioners with compelling stories and a clear strategy for their project’s pathway to screen.

Thank you for your application with Screen Queensland. Industry standard document formats must be used throughout your application.

If you have any questions about any part of the form or your application, please contact the Screen Queensland Content Team on (07) 3248 0500 or email

At early stage development, it is not essential to have a production company attached, to be eligible.

Are you Eligible to Apply?

  • I am a rights-holding producer.
  • I am an Australian resident working with minimum 50% writers or directors who live and work in Queensland.
  • I am not employed by a state or government screen agency.
  • I am not employed by a broadcaster or streaming service.
  • I am not a full-time student.
  • None of the projects I am submitting contribute to credits for a course or study.
  • I do not have any projects in default with Screen Queensland.
  • I and my team are not in default with Screen Queensland.
  • I have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • This project has not been unsuccessful in seeking Development funding on two (2) previous occasions.
  • I and my team authentically represent the story and characters in the project that form part of this Application.
  • I have read and agree to the Program Guidelines; SQ Terms of TradeSQ QPE DefinitionSQ Strategic Plan 2023-2025Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network CharterScreen Australia Pathways and Protocols.
Eligibility * Required
Response required.
If you are unsure, please contact Screen Queensland 07 3248 0500 /

Projects that meet eligibility requirements are not guaranteed funding and will undergo a rigorous assessment process against Screen Queensland’s strategic priorities and program guidelines. 

Development funding is offered in three tiers, depending on the applicant’s stage of development and residency (Queensland or Interstate). Full guidelines available here.

A brief summary of the three tiers:

TIER 1 – Up to $15,000 – Early-stage development, no Marketplace Letter of Intent required, will fund Conceptual stage up to $7,500, for established practitioners only (minimum half-hour professional screen credit).
TIER 2 – Between $15,001 and $30,000 – Mid-stage development, Letter of Intent optional but preferred, well-developed creative materials required.

All requests for funding, regardless of eligibility, are subject to limited program budgets within a highly competitive funding environment.

Must be a dollar amount. 

Tier 1 Funding Eligibility (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What is your funding request of Screen Queensland?" on page 1

TIER 1 – Up to $15,000 – Queensland Residents and Interstate

Please note the requirements in our full guidelines available here.

  • Interstate producers with a strong track record of professional screen credits may apply for funding that supports Queensland-resident key creatives.
  • Funding directed toward Queensland spend only.
  • Minimum creative materials:
    • Scripted – Treatment; draft scripts preferable.
    • Unscripted – Demonstrable evidence of access arrangements, along with minimum one-page pitch document; treatment preferable.
  • Conceptual-stage applications will be accepted from established practitioners only (minimum half-hour professional screen credit) – capped at $7,500
    • Minimum Creative Materials for Conceptual-stage applications: One-page pitch.
  • Funds requested must be appropriate for current stage of development and associated deliverables. Please note that applicants may not receive the full funding ask requested and funding is awarded at Screen Queensland’s sole discretion.

Please confirm your eligibility to apply for Tier 1 funding.

  • The funding I have requested is directed toward Queensland spend only.
  • I have the minimum creative materials required. 
  • If applying with conceptual stage materials (one-pager only), I am an established practitioner with minimum half hour professional screen credit and understand that the conceptual stage funding request is capped at $7,500.
  * Required
Response required.

Tier 2 Funding Eligibility (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "What is your funding request of Screen Queensland?" on page 1
  • "What is your funding request of Screen Queensland?" on page 1

TIER 2 – Between $15,001 and $30,000 – Queensland Residents and Interstate

Please note the requirements in our full guidelines available here.

  • Funding toward Queensland spend only.
  • Demonstration of clear intent to bring production to Queensland AND/OR, story is set in Queensland and intent is to shoot Queensland as Queensland.
  • Marketplace Letter of Intent is required.
    • Letters of Interest/Intent from marketplace will be assessed in context of the project’s stage of development. Track record of LOI-provider will be assessed.
  • Minimum Creative Materials:
    • Scripted – Draft Script(s) or equivalent well-developed, competitive creative materials.
    • Unscripted – Advanced Treatment and evidence of access arrangements.
  • Funds requested must be appropriate for current stage of development and associated deliverables. Please note that applicants are not guaranteed to receive the full funding ask requested and funding is awarded at Screen Queensland’s sole discretion.

For Queensland producers, please complete the appropriate form available on the Screen Queensland website

Please confirm your eligibility to apply for Tier 2 funding.

  • The funding I have requested is directed towards Queensland spend only.
  • I have the minimum creative materials required. I understand that applications will not be accepted where minimum creative materials are not provided.
  • I have confirmed attachment from minimum 50% Queensland-resident writers/directors.
  • I have demonstration of clear intent to bring production to Queensland AND/OR, story is set in Queensland and intent is to shoot Queensland as Queensland.
  • I have a Letter of Intent, expressing genuine commission/distribution interest.
  * Required
Response required.

Individual or Organisation

Are you applying as an individual or organisation? * Required